so yeah. had no real plans this passing memorial weekend but somehow ended up spending the entire day and night with kate hudson. go figure. my only wish was that i had a photograph to capture one of the moments of that day. honestly, i think she's had her fill of paparazzi..not that my portraits are paparazzi in any way..i always ask permission, but you have to put yourself in her place for a second. i could feel the tension as we left her apartment to go have lunch. im told up to 8 photographers wait outside to shoot her...they hide in bushes and follow her in's extreme and freaky.
but what a fun fun day we had hanging with her. she's truly amazing. genuine, open, full of light. i left feeling inspired by her coolness. i'll never forget her dancing to Elvis, singing showtunes and her playing DJ all night in her kitchen.
what else...more building photos. i can't help myself. i have a number of fixations and architecture (good or bad) is one of them. a study in color i think.
i once took a painting class in college. the professor said i was monochromatic and my paintings were flat. i dropped the class after he told me this. i did however, get introduced to the beautiful music of Henri Gorecki. (later featured in the movie, Fearless) the professor used to put on public radio and one day i heard gorecki's 3rd symphony for the first time as i painted my monochromatic, flat lifeless rendition of the wine bottle with flowers.
i know this is crazy, but reagan actually seems like a saint compared to the greedy, incompetent, idiot we have in office currently. " fellow americans...what are you going to do about it?" i heard cindy sheehan, the only visible anti-war activist out there these days, is surrendering her fight. she announced yesterday that she is stepping down as spokesperson for the anti-war movement. read full story now what? who else is there to take her place? to be an outspoken voice to get people to act.
I think society is...
1. working too many hours for not enough money and therefore do not have enough time to think about anything else but sustenance.
2. not even in reality as far as the war goes..have you seen a coffin come off a plane from Iraq?? it's kept out of the media.
3. seduced into being a consumer not a producer
4. too busy to care
5. on myspace
6. getting drunk/ drugged and blowing their paycheck
7. watching american idol or any reality show that takes them away from their reality
8. already in the army and is currently serving in iraq.
9. playing playstation.
10. shopping
reaganomics has prevailed!
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