Tuesday, May 22, 2007

9:30AM 9TH AVE & 40TH

a little shooting before my dentist appointment. is it weird that i like going to the dentist? i went in for a root canal and at the end, i told the stonefaced, pursed lipped dentist what i thought of my root canal experience...i said "wow, that was amazing...you're like an artist or something" and low and behold, that petulant mouth of his gently cracked into a warm smile. i almost fell over when i saw it. what can i say, the man has a special way with novacaine. anyway, some "shots" from 9th avenue.

"um, hello, stop damn it." catching cabs is an artform.
breakfast of champions
add jackhammer sound here
i want a cookie that large

you can be friendly with the meter maids but as you can see, you still get a $65 parking ticket.

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