Sunday, June 3, 2007

What Did You Do This Weekend??? Did You Have Fun?

U.S. Military: 14 U.S. Soldiers Killed Over Weekend:
read story


yourmetaphysics said...

I had Louis over night. He totally destroyed the apartment and I loved every minute of it.
Laurel is a Gem. I could not ask for a better more loving daughter in law. She is one in a million.
Our family is so Lucky to have her as one of our own.
We only did two of the things on my list of 5 to do. It was perfect.

yourmetaphysics said...

I could barely read about our young soldiers. Sad conditions. what happens to them happens to us. We are all one. I choose to enbrace life and hopefully affect my small little part of the world and help spread a better out come through conscious choice.